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Andrew Fletcher
This article works through the steps to update dependencies in the composer.json file to the latest version. Use composer outdated to suggest the latest versions. composer outdatedWhereas, to return a complete list of packages where packages that need an update are coloured red, the up-to-date ones are coloured green composer show -l  Steps from above with responses Updating packages to a version supported by the constraints use: composer updateWhereas, if you want to update...
Andrew Fletcher
In this article I'll walk through the steps I went through to install Solr on...
Andrew Fletcher
Looking to install Solr on your server?  Not sure if it worth the...
Andrew Fletcher
If you have a situation where either you have forgotten a Keystore password or...
Andrew Fletcher
The challenge I was facing, I had written a script to scan barcodes and use...
Andrew Fletcher
I had generated a backup of key directories on the server - see Create a Ubuntu backup shell script.  With a backup in hand, now it was time to test how to unpack a backup and overwrite the directories. First I unpacked the backup to a temporary directory tmp-cc. Now I wanted to replace several of the directories on the server.  Starting with home, var and etc.   But what is an efficient method to overwrite a directory?   Also removing any directories that aren't in the...
Andrew Fletcher
An approach to generating a backup server is using a shell script.  A...
Andrew Fletcher
This article works through the steps to update dependencies in package.json...
Andrew Fletcher
Finding the issue with a server 500 error The Nginx error logs are showing too...
Andrew Fletcher
Focusing on the ckan.ini file (/etc/ckan/default/ckan.ini).  When I run the...
Andrew Fletcher
Following the instructions on CKAN DataStore with a little information.   Enable the plugin In your CKAN config file (/etc/ckan/default/ckan.ini), update the datastore plugin ckan.plugins = datastore  Set-up the database The DataStore requires a separate PostgreSQL database to save the DataStore resources.  List the existing databases: sudo -u postgres psql -lResponse List of databases Name | Owner | Encoding |...
Andrew Fletcher
Supervisor running as root error when running the command sudo service...
Andrew Fletcher
Supervisor running as root error when running the command sudo service...
Andrew Fletcher
Listen in on the ports being used on your server.  To do so, run the...
Andrew Fletcher
Error with Nginx When running an Nginx test, the following response was being...